This is about my friends food/fruit nicknames enjoy.

The first person is French Fries which is SO

French Fries are very salty and also fatting and delicious! You can pretty much buy it from, any fast food place. Known as: McDonalds,Burger King,Wendys etc.

Then Star Fruit which is SK

Star Fruit is a nice tasty fruit that is shaped like a star.

Then MNM with Grapes

Grapes Are  sweet and round, they come in two colors purple, and green.

Then my cousin with a Tomato

A Tomato is a FRUIT!! for all the people who claim its a vegetable its NOT it has seeds which means a fruit OK!!

Next ECDC with Avocado

Avocado is a fruit and has a huge seed in the middle. He is also a Juju fruit which is up above. It is in a seed pod it is also a candy.

Then JW with Chocolate

Chocolate comes in many sizes colors, and flavors it is thick rich and creamy mmm so good!

Next EVERYONES friend (favorite) Connie with Peach

A peach is so sweet and delicious and has many seeds with a green stem.

Next me NCW with Apple

An apple is a friut that comes with three colors red, green, and yellow.

Then My old  Teacher with Mr.Pinapple

A pineapple is a friut with a a round shape and pointyness all around.

Then AB with Banana

A banana is yellow and has a light sweet taste

Next JG with Coconut

A coconut is round and has a sweet thick drink inside and brown on the outside

Then MK with Watermelon

A watermelon is huge with green stripes and then when cut a nice rasberry red inside with either white or black seeds


Then MP with Mango

A mango is sweet and has a fuzzyness on the inside it is usually room tempature.

Next is LT with Cherry

A cherry is like a tiny/miny apple 2 cherry stems make one stem

Then KB with Strawberry

A strawberry has a odd shape and is red with a short green stem and with one bite yummy squirting juice enters your mouth