Learn More About Connie!


Wondering whats going on?

Hey guys, Durring the middle session of my school year a very close person that I knew left my school and moved away to China. That person was Connie! All my friends and I were so upset, that we all decided to make our own page about Connie saying how we felt what we know about her stuff like that! Well I decided to do a upgrade and let you all know how she is doing if your consern!

What is she up to?

Hey if you read what I wrote above I said that I am going to upgrade and see how Connie is and thats exactly what im going to do!
Connie is doing wonderful! Of course she is going to school and she is enjoying herself. Even already learned english now she has friends of her kind to speak to in her own language. Connie is in China with her mother and she sent a picture of her house and it looks so different from what our houses/apartments look like. Connie surprised everyone in her depart. Durring lunch sometimes I would hear people wispering and saying "Hey! Did you hear that connie is moving to China! But don't tell Selin, Missy, Eric or Naeemah".(Me and my friends who were so close to connie). I thought all those people were lying, and trying to make me feel like she was really moving! I really didn't want to believe it.....until that day came where she finally told me the truth and that was a day before she moved.  I cant really explain my emotions through out that final day with her. The sad part was that she was so upset she didnt let anyone come into the classroom to give her a hug or even talk to her, but I understanded and just walked home from that point. And thats it.
Oh dear, i just totally waisted a whole paragraph talking about how I felt, I apologize this is suppose to be about Connie and a followe up on how shes doing! Lets continue.
So well Connie has always been so smart so Im sure she is nailing each test and getting better and better. She was in a program called SEARCH and thats for kids who have more high intellegence. Oh she was so smart goodness!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, umm anyway we had to do a project over the summer either on Greek, Rome, China and someting else and I did it on China in inspriration of her.
So for now that's all I know!

LOVE<3, HameeaN